Welcome to Dacorum First Credit Union
Our aim is to provide people who live or work in Dacorum with a simple and affordable way to save and borrow money. We are a cooperative, staffed by volunteers with any profits being returned to the members as a dividend.
We rely on our members to save with us so that we can lend that money to members who need to borrow. Members who have savings with us can borrow for almost any purpose at low interest rates.
Although we are a volunteer organisation we operate in a professional manner. We are audited and regulated to ensure that our members savings are safe, and we monitor loan repayments carefully.
We are always looking for new members and volunteers so if you are interested in either or both – give us a ring or call into the office.
We do not offer formal financial advice but can help our members through the process of a loan application etc.
If you are in financial difficulties we suggest that you contact the Citizens Advice Bureau, MoneyHelper or the National Debtline which offers free, independent and confidential advice on dealing with your debts (call 0808 808 4000).
For more information about us and the services we provide please click on one of the links at the top of the page.